राजस्थान के प्रमुख किले – 2
Dive into the detailed study of Rajasthan forts with important facts, MCQs, and historical insights. Perfect for students preparing for competitive exams related to Rajasthan’s history.
Dive into the detailed study of Rajasthan forts with important facts, MCQs, and historical insights. Perfect for students preparing for competitive exams related to Rajasthan’s history.
1. किसने चीसा की लड़ाई (1539 ई.) में हुमायूँ को पराजित किया था? अकबर जहाँगीर शेरशाह बाबर उत्तर: c) शेरशाह Show Answer 2. हुमायूँ का मकबरा कहाँ है? आगरा में दिल्ली में लखनऊ में जयपुर में उत्तर: b) दिल्ली में Show Answer 3. किस मुगल शासक ने दो बार शासन किया? बाबर हुमायूँ अकबर जहाँगीर…
This mock test in Hindi includes 20 important percentage questions with answers. It’s perfect for anyone studying for government exams. Each question has a detailed explanation to help you understand better. Use this test to practice and get ready for your exams. 1. एक विद्यार्थी की परीक्षा में प्राप्त अंक 75% हैं और कुल अंक…
Test your knowledge with this comprehensive mock test on Rajasthan forts, designed for exam preparation with detailed questions and answers focused on fort history and significance. Mock Test on Rajasthan Forts Mock Test on Rajasthan Forts -4 Name: Website Name: Mocktesthub.in 1. नाहरगढ़ किले का निर्माण किसने करवाया था? a) महाराजा सवाई जय सिंह b)…
Try our mock test with 20 percentage questions and answers in Hindi. This test helps you practice important percentage problems and understand key concepts. Use this resource to get better at percentage questions and prepare well for your exams. 1. एक विद्यार्थी की परीक्षा में प्राप्त अंक 75% हैं और कुल अंक 800 हैं। विद्यार्थी…
Explore a comprehensive set of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in mathematics designed for competitive exams. These questions cover various topics such as percentages, ratios, and numerical relationships. Test your problem-solving skills with these challenging MCQs and improve your mathematical aptitude. 1. 75% का 75% क्या होगा? 0.5625 0.7215 0.7325 इनमें से कोई नहीं उत्तर: (a) 0.5625…
Take a captivating journey through India’s rich history with this blog post. Discover the pivotal moments that shaped the nation, from the birth of Mahatma Gandhi to the formation of the Indian National Congress and the drafting of the Indian Constitution. Learn about key figures like Subhash Chandra Bose and events such as the first…