Past Indefinite Tense MCQ questions
Past Indefinite Tense (या Simple Past Tense) का उपयोग अतीत में किसी क्रिया के पूर्ण होने को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। यह काल किसी कार्य के अतीत में होने को दर्शाता है और यह समय की कोई विशेष सीमा या अवधि को नहीं बताता, केवल यह बताता है कि क्रिया कभी न कभी अतीत में हुई थी। उदाहरण के तौर पर: “मैंने खाना खाया” या “वह स्कूल गया।”
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Past Indefinite Tense MCQ questions
1. Which sentence is in the Past Indefinite Tense?
2. What is the correct auxiliary verb for a singular masculine subject in Past Indefinite Tense?
3. Which of the following is a negative sentence in Past Indefinite Tense?
4. What is the correct form of the verb in the following sentence? “She _____ (go) to school.”
5. How do you form an interrogative sentence in Past Indefinite Tense?
6. Choose the correct sentence in Past Indefinite Tense:
7. What is the correct auxiliary verb for a plural feminine subject?
8. Which of the following sentences is in the Past Indefinite Tense?
9. What is the correct translation of “They did not go to school”?
10. In the sentence “He went home,” which verb is used?
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