Common Idioms and Their Meanings: Test Your Knowledge

Explore popular idiomatic expressions with their meanings and test your understanding. Learn about phrases like ‘turn over a new leaf’ and ‘take the bull by the horns’. Try our quiz!

Questions and Answers

1. To turn over a new leaf

  1. To change completely one’s course of action.
  2. To shift attention to new problems after having studied the old ones thoroughly.
  3. To cover up one’s fault by wearing new marks.
  4. To change the old habits and adopt new ones.

2. A fair crack of the whip

  1. Severe punishment
  2. A good luck check
  3. A period of importance
  4. Failure of administration

3. To talk one’s head off

  1. To talk loudly
  2. Talk in whispers
  3. To talk to oneself
  4. Talk excessively

4. To wrangle over an ass’s shadow

  1. Act in a foolish way
  2. To quarrel over trifles
  3. Waste time on petty things
  4. To do something funny

5. To take with a grain of salt

  1. Take with some reservation
  2. To take with total disbelief
  3. Take wholeheartedly
  4. To take seriously

6. Hobson’s choice

  1. Feeling of insecurity
  2. Accept or leave the offer
  3. Feeling of strength
  4. Excellent choice

7. To take the bull by the horns

  1. To punish a person severely for his arrogance.
  2. To grapple courageously with a difficulty that lies in our way.
  3. To handle it by a fierce attack.
  4. To bypass the legal process and take action according to one’s own whims.

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